Saturday, December 15, 2012

what we've been up too

  Wow where do I even start? We've been a little busy the last month or so and Grandma April came to visit. Parker turned six, he had a Phineas & Ferb party with his friends and classmates on his actual birthday. Then that Sunday evening he requested  we have a family dinner and wanted  Grandma to make his favorite chicken fried steak. I can't believe he's 6!! Where does the time go?
  Preslie has been busy in her dance class and loving every minute of it. She was so excited that Nana Tinkerbell and Grandpa Joe got to see her dance at her dance class with her friend Sunni.
  Parker had a thanksgiving day program at school and my mom & step-dad Joe were able to attend along with Tami, April and Grandpa Kevin & Grandma Katie. He did great after practicing his lines for a week. He was front and center and the only one you could hear. We had a busy Thanksgiving with 35 people for dinner, the kids had a blast. We played games, ate great food and enjoyed the our company. My mom and Step dad came before and after Thanksgiving so it was fun to have a little time and Christmas with them.
  After Thanksgiving Preslie and I took a trip to Medford to see my family and friends and wait for the arrival of my new niece. We thought she was going to come early so only planned to stay until Sunday but she came a day later on Monday December 3,2012. She was born at 4:32PM and weighed 7lbs 3 oz and was 19 inches long.  I am so excited to have another niece and December birthday buddy. She is so adorable and very much loved by her Big Brother Brody. Preslie thinks she is her sister and I didn't want to give her the bad news so I'm just going to let her think that. She will probably be the closest thing to a sister Preslie will have. I enjoyed my time seeing family and catching up with my childhood friends Leilani and Ashley and Ashley's little boy Leo, he is so adorable.
  Last weekend was my companies annual holiday party and for the first year ever Dustin's was on the same night. Since his company is so small and he likes my parties better he came to mine. We had a nice night out and fun with all my coworkers. I truly am blessed to work for such great people.
  This week I celebrated a milestone- I turned the big 3-0! I woke up to my kids in a terrible moods but quickly turned when i showed up for work and my desk was decorating and was greeted by my best friend Megan and her two kids. A little bit later someone asked me if i drove my car to work like that today? I had no idea what they were talking about and was surprised to find out my friend had decorated my car too! Dustin got me a dozen beautiful red roses and we ate dinner at my favorite Mexican restaurant so it turned out to be a wonderful day.
  Friday night we went to dinner with our friends The Lambert's and the Agee's to the melting pot. It was so much fun and the food was delicious. Dustin will turn 30 on Monday so we will celebrate his then.
  We are busy getting ready for Christmas and enjoying all the activities we love this time of year. I will try and keep up on my blog but can't make any promises. So Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays

Nana & Preslie

  Preslie & Sunni at dance class

Sunni, Preslie and Lane

Parker at his Thanksgiving Program
Parker enjoying his birthday lunch at chinese
 December birthday buds
 Brody & Addison
 Preslie & her sister
 Brody is the best big brother
 Addison Mae George
 My lovely desk
Cheers to 30!

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