Sunday, February 13, 2011

Busy Weekend

Another busy weekend at the Castellani household. On Friday my friends Megan, Amber & I took the kids to OMSI. The kids loved it and had a great time I haven't been there since I was in middle school so it was fun for me too. Friday night Megan and I worked on our invitations for our ten year high school reunion coming up this summer. The kids played and watched cartoons so we could work. Saturday morning I woke up around 4am feeling terrible with a high fever and horrible cough but it didn't stop us from having 18+ people over to have Preslie and her cousin Josey baptized. Pastor Kim who officiated our wedding was kind enough to come to our house and preform the baptism. Here are a couple of pictures from the weekend.

Parker & Preslie with Grandma & Papa
Preslie getting baptized

Preslie & Sunni hanging out Friday night while Megan & I worked on our 10 year reunion
Sunni At OMSI playing with the puppets

Parker playing at OMSI

Preslie trying to catch the ball

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